HAT - Humanitarian Aid Trust Life in all its fullness Nepal’s poor and disadvantaged!

Humanitarian Aid
Trust Nepal 


HAT seeks to help people in New Zealand understand and support the poor and disadvantaged in Nepal.

We work in the areas of health, com­mu­nity devel­op­ment and relief work par­tic­u­larly among remote com­mu­ni­ties and the most dis­ad­van­taged. HAT is part of INF (Inter­na­tional Nepal Fel­low­ship) New Zealand

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We are keen to keep you engaged with what is going on in HAT and Nepal HAT/INF Newsletter 

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If you would like to stay con­nected to how HAT is working in Nepal, then sign up below: 


    HAT Projects to Support 

    You can finan­cially support HAT projects in Nepal based around com­mu­nity devel­op­ment, medical or relief work. 


    Sustainable Livelihood Project 

    Bajura is one of the remote moun­tain­ous dis­tricts in the western part of the country. The dis­trict is eco­log­i­cally sen­si­tive to climate change. A major­ity of the farmers rely on rain­fall to grow crops, and the dis­trict suffers from extreme weather conditions. 

    $300 of $5,000 raised 

    Care for Cure – Leprosy 

    The Care for Cure project sup­ports people with leprosy. Every year more than 3,000 people in Nepal are diag­nosed with leprosy. Many more will remain undi­ag­nosed due to stigma, fear, and lack of medical exper­tise. While for many, it is about battling …

    $500 of $3,500 raised 

    Green Pastures 

    For over 65 years Green Pas­tures Hos­pi­tal (GPH) in Pokhara has been pro­vid­ing treat­ment and care for people living with leprosy. The work at GPH also includes treat­ment and reha­bil­i­ta­tion for people living with spinal cord injuries and …

    $5,000 of $5,000 raised 
    Human­i­tar­ian Aid Trust Nepal

    Endorsement INF

    HAT (Human­i­tar­ian Aid Trust) is one of our part­ners who sup­ports the work of INF. We are grate­ful for the support of people and groups in New Zealand who care for the poor and mar­gin­alised people of Nepal. 

    Krishna Adhikari

    Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, INF Nepal