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HAT - Humanitarian Aid Trust Nepal

Transforming Lives Through Improved Cooking Stoves

Meet Maya, a remarkable woman from Sunchhahari Rural Municipality in the Rolpa district of Nepal. Maya lost sight in one eye at the tender age of two. Growing up, she faced countless challenges, including discrimination and limited opportunities. Being confined to household chores like cooking and cleaning on a traditional open-fire stove only worsened her chronic headaches, requiring regular medication to alleviate the pain.

But despite all these obsta­cles, Maya never lost hope. Her deter­mi­na­tion to over­come the odds was noticed by INF Rolpa, which formed a dis­abil­ity network in her village. The network included Maya as a member, and during one of the group’s meet­ings, they dis­cussed the impact of climate change on their com­mu­nity. The group devised an action plan to reduce the effects of climate change by using improved cooking stoves, and INF Nepal offered support by pro­vid­ing them with these stoves.

Maya and her family also con­tributed to the cause, and the results were truly incred­i­ble. The new stove reduced the amount of fire­wood needed and elim­i­nated the chronic headaches Maya had been expe­ri­enc­ing for years. The improved stove trans­formed her life, and she was forever grate­ful for the support of INF Nepal.

Maya’s story is just one of many demon­strat­ing the incred­i­ble impact that INF Nepal can have on the lives of mar­gin­alised com­mu­ni­ties in rural Nepal. Thanks to our staff’s ded­i­ca­tion and our part­ners’ gen­eros­ity, count­less people like Maya are given a chance to over­come their strug­gles and achieve their dreams. We can all learn from Maya’s resilience and never give up hope, even in the face of adversity.

If you would like to con­tribute to the ‘Smoke­less Stoves’ project then click on this link on our project page