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Author: Sean Marston

Dr Arun Budha is the new Hospital Director at Green Pastures Hospital [GPH]. With his wife, Smriti, their two daughters and infant son, Arun has moved to Pokhara to take up the role. He shared with us some of his story and his hopes for the role. I was born into a leprosy affected family. My parents found healing and hope at TEAM Hospital in Dadeldhura and both ended up working at the mission hospital. My father was also the pastor of the local

For years, Sabitri* endured the pain of obstetric fistula without any medical attention. Thanks to INF Nepal Fistula Outreach work, in 2020 Sabitri was identified by a local Female Community Health Volunteer who was trained on fistula by INF’s fistula outreach worker and in spring of 2021, Sabitri was taken to the Fistula Centre for treatment. Sabitri’s story is one suffering and, ultimately, a renewal of hope, a renewed life. “I had gotten pregnant at the age of 19, I struggled at home for 5

– Stephen and Mark go Everesting Stephen and Mark are a couple of curious cyclists from Whanganui, biking up a hill over and over till they reach the height of Mt Everest. They fundraised for Humanitarian Aid Trust, Nepal because Mt Everest is in Nepal. On the 22nd of January, they started the Everesting event at 2:00am in the morning and finished around midnight (22 hours). Below is some of their story. Stephen and Mark are a couple of curious cyclists from Whanganui, biking up a

Hi. My name is Mark Dowle and I’m doing the Coast to Coast this coming February and have decided it’s an excellent opportunity to raise a bit of money for an organisation that is close to my heart. The International Nepal Fellowship (INF) works with the poor and marginalised people of Nepal. My wife Jo and I have been involved with INF for the last ten years, we served on the ground in Nepal for two years and more recently have been involved with the

Biking up the Height of Mt Everest – How hard can it be? “Everesting” is the challenge of biking up a local hill over and over till you reach the height of Mt Everest. We’re Mark and Stephen, are a couple of intrepid and very amateur cyclists in Whanganui, New Zealand, crazy enough to take it on. When we hit a challenge or obstacle in our training, we say “Ah! How hard can it be?” It’s become our motto, summing up the shared joy, futility,