Help in developing the work of HAT in New Zealand & Nepal.

Apply and join us today 

The Human­i­tar­ian Aid Trust needs people who will promote, serve, give and pray. Many of the people that support our work in Nepal do so because they have been there and have served among the Nepali people. HAT has short-term (one month) to long-term oppor­tu­ni­ties to serve in Nepal. We have oppor­tu­ni­ties in the areas of ESL, coun­selling, busi­ness support, medical, dis­as­ter relief, project man­age­ment, teach­ing, student work, medical elec­tives, animal hus­bandry and communications. 

If you would like to help the work of HAT in Nepal, through serving in Nepal, pro­mot­ing our work, giving finan­cially or through prayer then fill out the form below 

    Service opportunities in Nepal 

    Is God calling you to serve cross-cul­tur­ally in Nepal or in the Nepali Dias­pora? With matu­rity, sen­si­tiv­ity and flex­i­bil­ity do you desire to combine your faith, sense of mission and pro­fes­sional skills to equip, encour­age and develop others? 

    Sustainable Livelihood Project 

    Bajura is one of the remote moun­tain­ous dis­tricts in the western part of the country. The dis­trict is eco­log­i­cally sen­si­tive to climate change. A major­ity of the farmers rely on rain­fall to grow crops, and the dis­trict suffers from extreme weather conditions. 

    $500 of $5,000 raised 