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Human Resources Specialist

The effec­tive recruit­ment, deploy­ment and support of expa­tri­ate mission per­son­nel in Nepal is vital for INF’s min­istry. We’re looking for an expe­ri­enced manager, prefer­ably with HR expe­ri­ence, who can help us to support, nurture and develop our team of amazing mission personnel.

This strate­gic role involves leading the per­son­nel team and inter­act­ing across the whole INF family and beyond. The post holder should be moti­vated by a desire to enable mission per­son­nel to thrive in their work and life over­seas. Cross-cul­tural under­stand­ing; com­mu­ni­ca­tion, lis­ten­ing, men­tor­ing and nego­ti­a­tion skills; and an ability to work in complex organ­i­sa­tion will all be needed in this job.

Can­di­dates must be pro­fi­cient in the English lan­guage. Train­ing in the Nepali lan­guage and culture is pro­vided for expa­tri­ate workers, dif­fer­ing in length depend­ing on the dura­tion of their assignments.

INF is unable to pay salaries to expa­tri­ate workers in Nepal. Expa­tri­ates in INF are sec­onded by agen­cies in home coun­tries who help them find their funding.
