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INFI Nepal Country Director

INF Inter­na­tional [INFI] is recruit­ing a country direc­tor based in Kath­mandu to provide support for INF’s work across Nepal and lead the expa­tri­ate team in Nepal. INFI does not have projects of its own but works in close part­ner­ship with INF Nepal to raise prayer and finan­cial support, recruit and care for its large team of expa­tri­ate vol­un­teers, and main­tain rela­tion­ships with the Gov­ern­ment of Nepal to ensure INF Nepal is able to con­tinue its pow­er­ful work.

The role of Nepal Country Direc­tor with INFI is open for recruit­ment now with a start date any time from January 2021. It would suit an indi­vid­ual or family able to live and work in Nepal for two or more years.

The Nepal Country Direc­tor role involves:

  • Devel­op­ing and imple­ment­ing INFI’s strategy.
  • Man­ag­ing INF’s agree­ments with the Gov­ern­ment of Nepal.
  • Leading INF’s team of expa­tri­ate vol­un­teers [cur­rently 25 post-holders, along with their family members].
  • Man­ag­ing the INFI office and staff team of five to liaise with gov­ern­ment and network with other organisations
  • Pro­vid­ing advice and support to INF Nepal to help bring about our shared vision.